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Hi there, I am Aman! I write poetry (and some other things too!), am passionate about online privacy, and usually have far too much fun wasting time on the internet. Click the links at the top of this page if you would like to know more about me or what I create.


Why sunflower-boy?

I don‘t know, actually. I like sunflowers. Boys are cool. I‘m a boy, but not a sunflower. The url implies otherwise though, which I think is fun. Sunflowers are epic.

What are your pronouns?

He/him, it/is, and they/them. Those are in order of preference, but not strictly. So what that means is that I use all of those pronoun sets, but would usually prefer the first two. They/them is a pronoun set I love too, I just don‘t often feel it. But when I do, it‘s great! I love pronouns.

How do I use those pronouns?

I don‘t mind if you chose one set, like he/him, and constantly use it for me, or if you integrate between two or three (like he/they, it/they, etc). It/its is not as common as the other two sets, so I‘ll give a quick example.

That‘s Aman! It likes writing, and reading, and it may have set its oven on fire last week. But it‘s not telling…

Integration of pronoun sets kind of just means that you would alternate pronoun sets, in no strict ratio or order. For example:

That‘s Aman! He likes writing, and reading, and he may have set his oven on fire last week. But they‘re not telling…

However — another correct, but slightly more confusing, example would be:

That‘s Aman! They like writing, and reading, and it may have set his oven on fire last week. But it‘s not telling…